Case Study: Empowering our community through career changes

Career changes can be daunting and challenging, but they also present opportunities for growth and personal development.

In this case study, we highlight how we supported a candidate through their career change, giving them courage and confidence and ultimately helping them land their ideal next role.

Candidate Background

Our candidate found themself at a crossroads in their career, feeling stuck in their current role and seeking new opportunities to grow and thrive professionally.

Challenges Faced

  • Emotional Uncertainty: Like many individuals considering a career change, they experienced uncertainty and anxiety about their future career path.

  • Skills Alignment: They recognised the need to develop their skills and knowledge to transition into a different role.

  • Career Exploration: They were eager to explore new career opportunities but were unsure about where to begin or how to navigate the job market effectively.

Our Approach

At KM Talent, we don't offer generic transactional recruitment services – we provide insights from real-life experiences. Each of our consultants have walked the same path as the candidates we assist. Our KM Talent Consultant, Michelle Wright, with over 20 years of hands-on experience in BDMC roles across diverse industries, guided our candidate by:

  1. Getting to know them: Michelle took the time to learn about the candidate's career goals and guided them around the complexities of a career change, addressing their concerns and aspirations. 

  2. Offering career coaching: Michelle’s professional background meant that she could understand the candidate's journey first-hand. Drawing on this, Michelle conducted a coaching session to help identify the candidate’s strengths, values, and career goals that were highly relevant to the job market.

  3. Providing customised job matching: The candidate was presented with roles that aligned with their aspirations and career goals, and supported them through the application and thorough interview preparation through each round and feedback. 

Results Achieved

The candidate was offered their preferred role with a salary that met their expectation, reflecting the value and expertise they bring to their new position. Accepting this offer marked a significant milestone in their career journey, showcasing the tangible rewards of their hard work and dedication.

We are here to support our candidates through every step of their recruitment journey. Search our current job listings to find the perfect opportunity for you or connect with one of our consultants for a general confidential discussion about the market and how we can support you with your next career move.


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